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WHOLE (testimony) August 8, 2012

Filed under: personal — erin.english @ 3:49 pm
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I can plainly remember laying in my bed at about 8 and asking Jesus into my heart. I didn’t really know what that looked like and wondered if my heart had an itty bitty door or how Jesus was even going to fit in there. It was a perfect mystery, but while I didn’t understand the how I really wanted to give Him my heart, my whole heart.

I had a “normal” childhood. I was raised by 2 wonderful parents who worked very hard to give my brother, sister and I a good home. We lived in a good neighborhood and went to great schools. I got along well with peers, made good grades, and loved playing sports. All in all, I had a great childhood.

My mother took us to Sunday School every Sunday where I soaked up the stories they taught. I could recite a parable like a youngster recites his ABCs. Just like the ABCs, I didn’t know at the time that put all together they told a bigger story and painted a more beautiful picture.

By the time I started high school, church had become a stigma. My “christianity” took a back seat to my desire to fit in and be accepted. (more…)